The list of accredited WI nursing schools below features Practical Nursing, Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral programs and covers diverse geographic regions—rural and remote to urban metropolitan campuses.
Don’t be put off by the nursing school waitlist reports—totally overboard. Yes, there are schools with waiting lists, but you’ll find plenty of schools without the long wait, either. Some innovative measures nursing schools have taken in the last few years to help increase enrollment capacity:
Travel nursing opportunities remain consistent in Wisconsin and hospitals recruit nurses from outside the state, both strong indicators of the nursing shortage.
A number of major hospitals are located in Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Green Bay and Madison all recruit for nurses heavily. Hospitals in metro areas like these offer challenging and dynamic nursing practice opps unavailable other places. A Level I Trauma Center such as University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison is able to cater to all types of patients, thereby offering nurses expansive career mobility in a learning-centered environment.
At the same time, though, equally challenging jobs are available in smaller communities, even in rural community nursing. Don’t overlook job and career opportunities throughout Wisconsin and the possible challenge they could provide you.
Advanced Practice Nurses like Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Midwives and Nurse Anesthetists are in high-demand everywhere, including in remote areas where they can practice independently of physicians.
The State of Wisconsin Board of Nursing regulates the nursing profession. As a student nurse you will become quickly acquainted with the business end of the BON. Bookmark the website and refer back to it whenever you need information on the following:
The Wisconsin Nurses Association provides a united voice for statewide nurses. Members are privy to educational events, conferences, continuing education resources, and news that pertains directly to nursing.