Good news for Maryland nursing students: recent increases in state funding have made it possible to fit in more nursing students to the states schools, thereby graduating a few hundred more nurses annually. While the nursing shortage in MD and across the nation is a potential time bomb, it does ensure that nearly anyone regardless of age or experience, may study to become a nurse. Here is a career pathway packed with foreseeable high demand far into the future.
In Maryland, as elsewhere, the majority of new nursing grads migrate to major metro areas in the state and large hospitals. Facilities like these—for example Johns Hopkins—are able to expose nurses to every possible patient scenario, every nursing specialty, and provide an environment in which teaching and learning are valued. They also often have financial resources that smaller hospitals do not with which to lure new grads.
The Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant Program (formerly the Maryland Nursing Scholarship Program) is designed to attract a variety of Maryland students willing to work in underserved facilities in exchange for loan repayment. Nursing students may be undergraduate or graduate enrolled. Awards are based in academic merit AND financial need.
Janet L. Hoffman Loan Assistance Repayment Program is designed for a variety of professionals in fields that offer assistance to disadvantaged or underserved communities. Nurses that qualify include any RNs and nurse educators, with the exception of School Nurses. Award amount is based on the total student loan debt.
The Maryland Board of Nursing is a vital resource when you need information on nursing educational requirements, scope of practice and anything regarding licensure and the NCLEX.
The Maryland Nurses Association is a united voice for professional RNs in Maryland. The membership-based organization welcomes student nurses and provides resources related to: state nursing schools, nursing scope of practice, legislative advocacy, current issues that pertain to MD RNs, career development resources and job postings, and more.